Differences between APO DPO FPO.
How do I add a military address? Army Post Office, Fleet Post Office, Diplomatic Post Office
How do I add a military address?
Select United States, and choose either:
AA - Armed Forces of the Americas
AE - Armed Forces of Europe
AP - Armed Forces of the Pacific
Note: This will replace the "State" address

Make sure you include the unit and box numbers, for APO/FPO/DPO shipping addresses (if assigned). To prevent mail from entering foreign mail networks, do not include city or country names in APO/FPO/DPO shipping addresses.
APO - Army Post Office
FPO - Fleet Post Office
DPO - Diplomatic Post Office
Note: This will replace the "City" address.
The delivery line (the second line from the bottom in the address) must show the word “UNIT”, “CMR” (Community Mail Room), or “PSC” (Postal Service Center) and number; and box number assigned.
The last line must contain the APO or FPO designation, the appropriate two-letter "state" abbreviation, (AA, AE, or AP) followed by the zip code number (when applicable "United States" or "USA" would be the country name utilized).
For more information on how to enter military addresses click here
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