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What does each button/icon do?

What does each button/icon do? Learning what each tool does in Mimeo Photos:

Each icon or button located at the top of the Mimeo Photos app has its own unique function. 

Functions for each tool:

Undo/Redo changes to your project. This includes themes and product sizes.

Cut a photo by selecting the photo and clicking the Cut icon

Copy an image or text box using the Copy icon 

After copying the desired image or text, paste or duplicate the content using the Paste icon

Tip: If you want to paste while inside the text editor,  hold down the Command + V or click Edit > Paste in the menu bar.

Change the theme of your project by click the Paintbrush icon (click undo if you don't like the results)

Adjust the size of your project by clicking the Book icon (click undo if you don't like the results)

Need some quick tips, or reminders, to help you start your project? Click the Information icon and then select On next to Show tips

Have any questions? Reach out to our Customer Support team by clicking the Chat icon

Preview your project by clicking the Eye icon

Return to editing mode from Preview by clicking the Pen icon 

Save your project by clicking the Floppy Disk icon. In addition, your project saves automatically.

Export your project as a PDF by clicking the Down arrow and selecting Export PDF

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